The acrostic of which is “Mother of God! Virgin! Hail, highly favored Mary! The Lord is with you. 1. Pure Mother of God, blessed mother, Glorified exceedingly by the heavenly hosts. 2. Scroll written by God, praise of the forefathers, Boast of the apostles, joy of the ancestors of God. 3. Glory of the saints, joy of the just, Our strength, refuge, glory and good cheer. 4. Merciful, very merciful, comforter of all who suffer, Virgin, refuge of those who have recourse to you faithfully. 5. Most pure Virgin, Deliver us and protect us under your holy protection. 6. Heal the wounds of crushed souls, Hope of faithful Christians, joy of the distressed. 7. Bride, Virgin, pure one, harbor of salvation, To your strong safety have I fled. 8. Joy of the world, Queen Mother, horn of Christians, Ray of the spiritual sun, light of t...